CARE: Transforming Values through Art, Ethics + Feminism
30 October–2 November 2019
Interdisiplinary symposium + exhibition // George Paton Gallery, Melbourne
CARE Network is a research community formed around the CARE Project CARE: Feminism, art and ethics in neo-liberal times. The project critically explores how care in its many forms represents an alternative ethics to neo-liberalism. In recent years, feminist critiques of neoliberalism have argued for the concept of care as an alternative structuring principle for political systems in crisis and have proposed that the transformation of the existing capitalist order demands the abolition of the (gendered) hierarchy between ‘care’—the activities of social reproduction that nurture individuals and sustain social bonds—and economic production. What would it mean to substitute care for economics as the central concern of politics? What would caring for democracy look like? And how can we cultivate new habits of care that allow us to take better care of one another, of ourselves and country?
Care Network aims to produce a symposium, exhibition and scholarly publication which integrates knowledge produced through non-traditional research outputs. With this goal in mind, it facilitates discussion and engages with a range of communities. Artists, researchers and practitioners came together in several informal round tables and a symposium in 2019.
The 2019 symposium and associated exhibition CARE: Transforming values through art, ethics and feminism was held at the George Paton Gallery, University of Melbourne. The Care Project is led by Associate Professor Jacqueline Millner, with research assistance by Caroline Phillips. View the full documentation of the symposium and public programs at Contemporary Art and Feminism.
Symposium schedule
Symposium poster
La Trobe University Bendigo
George Paton Gallery
Contemporary Art and Feminism
Regional Arts Victoria